Ad Astra
A demoscene demo by Ate Bit for the Pico-8 virtual console.
Release date : 13/08/2016
Code & music : 4mat
Graphics : ilkke
Please leave audio enabled, demo uses the STAT variables to maintain timing and scenes won't continue otherwise.
Due to the way I merged some _update and _draw code together the demo may go out of sync if you don't have the window focused. This may only affect watching it in pico-8 rather than the web version however.

This is so sick! The music is awesome, and I especially love that reflection in the water.

AWESOME! I think I stayed stumped for a whole minute on the black screen afterwards.
Thank you, that really made my day!
Now where did I put that interstella5555 dvd again ?!

Good! I like the art style and music, and some of the effects are really cool.

Dunno wtf I've just seen, but this was simply spectacular! Everything was awazing! :o

Good use of colors. That scene with the glowing ball and the meteoroid is pure awesome!

Definitely some old-skool skillz were used to think up this awesome showcart. Kicking music, great animation, and all in outer space. Perfect ! :D

This demo is soooo sick, 3d mesh(triangles&all) rendering looks so kickass, can only imagine the time it have tooked!

The effects are awesome but the music blow my mind! It's one of the best chiptunes I ever heard.

Simply brilliant! This brought me right back to the vibrant Amiga 1000 demoscene; thank you!

Great stuff, music is great, and how you managed to fit all those different techniques into one cart is beyond me!

This cart was broken by changes in number parsing which no longer allows scientific notation -- @4mat I hope you don't mind I went ahead and patched the cart -- now with the id #ad_astra instead of the original #26834

the updated cart (#ad_astra) doesn't load on 0.2.1b :
future version:30
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