Hey, all. I picked up PICO-8 in the Itch bundle a couple months ago. Finally got around to poking at the PICO-8 and I love what I'm seeing. The idea of the picture being the cartridge is just something that brings back the feels.
Reminds me of the old days, manually typing in games from a book. A whole weekend spent programming Star Trek only to find out that I had the wrong version of BASIC.
Anyway, I hope to get going with game design soon. My history in that field is in the tabletop space, so going digital is a whole new thing for me.
Quick question, but is there a way to make map screens connect to one another to simulate a cube? I am thinking about doing a pseudo-3D space shooter.
Hi welcome!
I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "map screens" but within the 128x128 you can draw whatever you want which could include 3D effects.
If you mean you go off one side and it keeps scrolling and if you go far enough it loops you can deffently do that.
Yeah, I mean basically meant what you said. I've been exploring and seen pleanty of pseudo-3d games now. Really having a blast.
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