This is a demo on how to display the cards in a player's hand. Hope you find this useful!
--the amount of room for the cards to be in hand_width = 96 --the size of the room in pixels room_width = 128 --number of cards on screen card_num = 0 --the width of the card in pixels card_width = 12 --how many cards until they compress card_fit_num = flr(hand_width/card_width) function _update() --update card_num if btnp(❎) then card_num += 1 end if btnp(🅾️) and card_num > 0 then card_num -= 1 end --update hand_width if btn(⬆️) then hand_width += 1 end if btn(⬇️) and hand_width > 12 then hand_width -= 1 end card_fit_num = flr(hand_width/card_width) end function _draw() --draw stuff cls(1) print("card num:"..card_num,43,50,6) print("x to add card",37,58) print("c to retract card",29,64) print("⬆️⬇️ to change hand size",15,70) line(room_width/2-hand_width/2-2,98,room_width/2-hand_width/2-2,117) line(room_width/2-hand_width/2+hand_width+1,98,room_width/2-hand_width/2+hand_width+1,117) line(room_width/2-hand_width/2-2,98,room_width/2-hand_width/2+hand_width+1,98) line(room_width/2-hand_width/2-2,117,room_width/2-hand_width/2+hand_width+1,117) --where the magic happens if card_num > card_fit_num then for i=0,card_num-1 do spr(1,(room_width/2-hand_width/2)+(hand_width-card_width)*(i/(card_num-1)),100,2,2) end else for i=0,card_num-1 do spr(1,(room_width/2-hand_width/2)+hand_width/2-(card_width*(card_num/2))+(i*card_width),100,2,2) end end end |
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