welcome to the museum!
we need people to create:
16x16 artworks (preferably with descriptions),
characters (one default 8x8 sprite, one shadowed sprite),
sign texts (use | for newline),
and self contained (preferably) one function programs that:
-avoid camera and clip
-use a 64*64 area
-use only arrow keys (or no keys)
-use a return with a 1-2 line display text (|=newline) (include your credits)
-and no (or maybe 1-3) sprites
10: @kirbofan
10: @kirbofan
3: @Munchkin
6: @kirbofan
7: @kirbofan
1: @SmellyFishstiks
2: @Munchkin
moved to carts as colab tag is barren.
ah well

my name barely fits lol.
would be down to make random little things retroactivly

@SmellyFishstiks thats great! feel free to plug your own characters in character suggests, or to request using a character sprite in your little program thing. hope you make more stuff for this! (why not make a 16*16? its not a big challenge but you can express a lot)

yea maybe,
I'll do some small stuff every now and then.

@SmellyFishstiks oh! is there a good way to contract your username, but still have credit?
i hope so

@kirbofan I just saw your comment, not sure what you mean...? if you mean that if you want help with stuff then feel free to reach out to me I don't mind, and hopfuly I won't miss it and be weeks late :p

Some stuff for the museum!
Picture descriptions:
(I am not sure how well these will fit)
Picture 1: Banana
Picture 2: Jupiter Rocket
Picture 3: A bad drawing of Munchkin
Character descriptions:
Character 1: Pico-Man
Character 2: Munchkin
I may make a program for the museum, but I was wondering; Should I copy the cart and then implement the program, or just send a cart with the function on it? Because I'm not sure I can figure out how to implement it.

@JackJack3136 the sprites have been broken by some bbs update, if you still have them, i'd be glad to add em!
(sorry for the massive delay)

also @Munchkin regarding programs, this is how the first one is done.
function(v) v.x=init(v.x,28) v.y=init(v.y,28) v.cx=init(v.cx,28) v.cy=init(v.cy,48) v.vx=init(v.vx,0) v.vy=init(v.vy,0) v.f=init(v.f,false) if(btn(⬅️))v.vx-=.25v.f=true if(btn(➡️))v.vx+=.25v.f=false if(btn(⬆️))v.vy-=.25 if(btn(⬇️))v.vy+=.25 v.vx=red(v.vx,0.0625) v.vy=red(v.vy,0.0625) v.x+=v.vx v.y+=v.vy v.x=clmp(v.x,0,56) v.y=clmp(v.y,0,56) if(v.x==0 or v.x==56)v.vx=-v.vx/2 if(v.y==0 or v.y==56)v.vy=-v.vy/2 if inr(v.x,v.cx-7,v.cx+7) and inr(v.y,v.cy-7,v.cy) then v.cx,v.cy=rnd(48)+4,rnd(48)+4 end spr(30,v.cx,v.cy) spr(66,v.x,v.y,1,1,v.f) return "derp is here|he is cool",kr end |
everything such as fullscreen, clipping, etc. is done for you and you can't clip your way out of the confines of the screen. (if i recall correctly)
feel free to download the thing to get a feel for them, there's a big ole table of these functions, so just update screen #7 to be on in the map.
(your assigned initials are mk, for quick reference to your bbs username)
you can just comment your function here for submission, it should be basically plug and play for the most part.

Thanks for the example and for putting my art it in!
I noticed that all of the sprites seem to be shifted over one pixel, causing parts of artwork to leak over into the wrong sprite.
I made a little game for the museum, here's the function:
(the indentation is weird in the copy pasted version, but that shouldn't matter to the functionality of the code)
function(v) v.px = init(v.px,28) v.py = init(v.py,28) v.pvx = init(v.pvx,0) v.pvy = init(v.pvy,0) v.enemies=init(v.enemies,{}) v.frame = init(v.frame,0) v.time = init(v.time,60) v.besttime = init(v.besttime,0) v.frame += 1 if v.frame%v.time == 0 then add(v.enemies,{x=(flr(rnd(2))*64),y=rnd(56)}) v.time -= 1 if v.time < 5 then v.time = 5 end end if(btn(⬅️))v.pvx -= (3+v.pvx)/3 if(btn(➡️))v.pvx -= (v.pvx-3)/3 if(btn(⬆️))v.pvy -= (3+v.pvy)/3 if(btn(⬇️))v.pvy -= (v.pvy-3)/3 v.px += v.pvx v.py += v.pvy if(v.px > 56) v.px = 56 if(v.py > 56) v.py = 56 if(v.px < 0) v.px = 0 if(v.py < 0) v.py = 0 v.pvx /= 1.5 v.pvy /= 1.5 for i in all(v.enemies) do if i.dir == nil then if i.x > 32 then i.dir = -1 end if i.x < 32 then i.dir = 1 i.x -= 8 end end i.x += i.dir if i.dir > 0 then spr(80,i.x,i.y) end if i.dir < 0 then spr(80,i.x,i.y,1,1,true,false) end if i.x+4 > v.px and i.x+4 < v.px+8 and i.y+4>v.py and i.y+4<v.py+8 then if(v.frame > v.besttime)v.besttime = v.frame v.px = 28 v.py = 28 v.pvx = 0 v.pvy = 0 v.enemies={} v.frame =0 v.time = 60 end end spr(82,v.px,v.py) print(flr(v.frame/30),1,1,6) return "dodge pico-mans!|your best time is " ..v.besttime/30 .." seconds",mk end |
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