Looking good! (there's a lot of squid games as of late huh : p)

@SmellyFishstiks i guess. That's fine, because squids are cool. i think both our games kinda mirror squidlit, in terms of base mechanics (platform and extra jumps with ink). this mostly was about an object system, aesthetics and building from the ground up with multiplayer.
May i just say that i loved your games styling with the black and white. Looks like it would be right
at home in a TI calculator as a personal favorite.
The 3d is sorta hacky, but i think my code should work if i decide to extend this.

@kirbofan I wasn't meaning it in a negative way I was just pointing out how I independently came up with my idea and you came up with your idea without seeing each other's thing : P
Your game is looking really cool too! my squid (Squidy) doesn't really use ink to platform and I didn't know about squidlit when I made my game.
PS:(I'm kinda getting a starfy vibe with the underwater theme and the 2d game that's 3d looking.. love it)

@SmellyFishstiks yeah i got that. (highly reccomend squidlit, also) also starfly is a nice looking game but i never had the chance to play it.
squidly i think is really well done, conveying emotion and form with small areas and palettes.
thanks for clearing everything up, though, i could easily have been being defensive there. also i think i saw your thing, but the ink mechanic probs came from squidlit, in some way shape or form, and the idea of
maybe came from your one?
have a lovely day!
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wait i'm using the extended palliate hold on a min
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