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In my qsort() thread:


If you click the "Code" button on the embedded cart and scroll down to qsort() or iqsort(), you'll see a line near the top of each function that says, if l then, but the line inside the cart is actually if l<r then, so if anyone grabs the code for the function, they get a corrupted version of it.

I'm guessing this, and possibly other, reserved HTML elements are not being escaped properly...?


Oh, and if you're in there fixing this, also please remember that this inline code tagged with single backticks that should end HERE -> doesn't actually end until the end of a paragraph, which means old posts look terrible, so no one uses backticks to show inline code anymore (I just use boldface).

In fact, now that I look at the result, it's not even inline, maybe because the rest of the paragraph was so long, but I promise you, the final backtick was several lines earlier than it actually ended.

Side note about that: On the wiki, I felt like I got the best result for inline code by setting the css to use a sans-serif monospace font with heavy/bold weight. I think it just felt more like a PICO-8 font that way. The inverse text here feels hard on the eyes.

This is what I used, with the list of fonts borrowed largely from wikipedia and slightly tweaked.

    font-family: Monaco, Menlo, Ubuntu Mono, Consolas, source-code-pro, monospace;
    font-style: normal; 
    font-weight: bold;
    line-height: 1.05em;

I'm also planning to make it a slightly brighter color to make it stand out more, but that requires a bunch of editing because I didn't plan something very well in the past. ;)

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