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Cart #hot_duck-0 | 2020-05-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

The world only moves when Hot Duck moves! Help her retrieve her Ketchup-Heart in 9 short levels!

Based on the 2017 GMTK game jam theme: Dual Purpose Mechanics. This is pretty late for a 2017 jam, but I didn't have the means to build video games in 2017, so here I am. Hope you enjoy it!



what a great theme and title splash! at first i had trouble understanding the goal of the game, but once i realized that the gameplay was similar to 'Frogger' i was able to quickly grasp what i needed to do. what a fun little adventure! thanks for sharing!

hot duck just like me

Commenting again as from your earlier game, @summertimealice.


Gold star work ! Would love to see more levels.

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