This game is just a test.
Please run it to see if Cart 1 will load Cart Two.
This is a test for another game I am working on.
--cart 1 and cart two --by candycolt games function _draw() cls() map(0,0) print("loading cart two...",54,44,7) end function _update() if time()>2.5 then load"#cart two-2" end end |
Cart Two is at
Test 1:
Okay, This did not work apparently. If you know how to load a cart in another cart please comment it below. Thanks!
Test 2:
IT WORKS!!!!!!

This is caused by a bug on the forum. It needs the breadcrumb parameter, or it never actually loads the next cart.
For more info, I've reported it here
Also, for loading between carts on the bbs, you need to add a '#' in front of the cart's id, and it needs to be the same name as the cart's id on the bbs. So "cart two" wouldn't work, you'll need to use "#carttwo" as the id instead. See my above link for an example.

You're close. As stated before, you need the breadcrumb string or it breaks on the forum. Also, you don't need to add the version tag, if you leave it out, it'll load the newest version.
load("#carttwo", "go back to cart one") |
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