Simple puzzle game heavily inspired by Gauss-Jordan elimination.
- Move arrows up and down to move the selection cursor.
- Move left while selecting a row to start the adding process. Move up or down to change the position of the row to add, and then move right to add both rows. The resulting row will change colors depending on the added row.
- Move right while selecting a row to start the swapping process. Move up or down to change the position on which the rows will be swapped.
- Press X or Z while selecting a row either in the main matrix or while adding, to transmute the row and change the color of all elements. X is the reverse operation of Z.
- Press on the small white face to reset your energy bars and the state of the matrix to the initial level state.
- If the face is green, you can press it to advance to the next level.
The Goal is to match the big matrix with the matrix on the computer's screen. Once both matrices match, the small face on the top will glow green and you can press Z on it to advance levels.
If both energy bars go empty you lose. You need to finish each level's puzzle within the energy constraints.

Look-up table

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