This is my first release of pretty much anything game related which I submitted to the 2020 PICO-8 Game Jam.
A fun proof-of-concept that lets you drive a train in a manner similar to the Japanese Densha de Go series of PlayStation games from 20+ years ago. Bonus forum points are awarded if the train is correctly identified as my local light rail system.
Learned a ton as I knew nothing about PICO-8 or Lua as of Christmas.
Huge thanks go to bridgs and her series of tutorials on YouTube. I bootstrapped myself based on her excellent content. Here's a link to her channel.
Todo from my original WIP post and my progress:
[x]General graphics pass to clean the map. Overlay of the overhead wires differently to get map space back.
[x]Implement a countdown timer and score mechanic.
[x]Different levels.
[ ]Paralax scrolling of background elements.
[ ]Implementation of speed limits and time penalties for speeding.
I probably won't work on this project much more as I feel like I learned what I needed to learn from it, but it was great fun.
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