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Cart #stringhashtable-8 | 2024-12-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Feature Overview

This is a script that parses String data and converts it into a hash table.

  • a single string can initialize many values.
  • returns at least an empty table.
  • elements can be added space-separated.
  • spaces can be replaced with \t.
  • newline codes are ignored.
  • newline can be replaced with \r.
  • {} specifies a table.
  • key=val; key{val} specifies the key and value of the table.
  • if you enclose an empty string, the element will become nil.
  • to initialize with an empty string, use /0/.
  • bool values, and hexadecimal strings are automatically normalized.
  • the first layer can be initialized with global values by using cat() in _env.
  • the replacement search argument only supports one character.
  • the replacement string can be of any length.
  • {} =; \n (space) cannot be used as a replacement search character because it is an internal reserved word.
  • instead, you can use {} =; \n (space) as the replacement character.
  • this code requires the replace() function.
  • This function consumes 156( +61 for replace() ) Token.

may want to Use DMP() if check the converted table.

This function is included in the KNUTIL library.

Sample code

-- Create a basic array, but you can use split() instead.
table=htbl("1 2 3 4 5 6 pico 8") -- {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, "pico", 8}
-- Creates an associative array of key-value pairs.
player=htbl("x=64;y=96;life=8;name=alex;") -- {x=64, y=96, life=8, name="alex"}
-- Create a two-level array.
mapspr=htbl("{1 2 3 4} {8 8 8 8} {5 6 7 8} {9 9 9 9}")

-- {{1, 2, 3, 4},{8, 8, 8, 8},{5, 6, 7, 8} {9, 9, 9, 9}}
-- Create a named array.
jobs=htbl("class1{fighter mage cleric archer} class2{knight summoner priest ranger}")

-- {class1={"fighter","mage","cleric","archer"}, class2={"knight","summoner","priest","ranger"}}

Sample value format


htbl"" -- {}
htbl"{}" -- {{}}
htbl"a=10;" -- {a=10}
htbl"tbl{}" -- {tbl={}}


htbl"1" -- { 1 }
htbl"0x10" -- { 16 }
htbl"0b101" -- { 5 }

htbl"str" -- {"str"}
htbl"true false" -- {true, false}

htbl"{}{/0/}{\t}{\r}" -- {{}, {""}, {" "}, {"\n"}}

Sample replacement arguments

htbl(str, search, replace, [search, replace, ...])

htbl("\t is space") -- {" ", "is", "space"}
htbl("\t is tab","\t","[tab]") -- {"[tab]", "is", "tab"}

t=htbl("/0/ \b","\b","") -- {"", ""} -- #t[1]==0 #t[2]==0

Application Examples

You can initialize the first layer as a global value using cat() of _ENV.
Init with 5tokens.

-- When testing with code you need to turn on 'puny font mode'.(ctrl-p)

cat(_ENV,htbl[[cartname=cardgame; version=0.05; auther=unagi;]])

-- cartname="cardgame"
-- version=0.05
-- auther="unagi"

If the string is long you can use [[]] to format the lines

rmtitlo{-1 2 130 16}
rmtitli{-1 3 130 14}
pmono{017$ 007$ 11c$ 33b$ 449$ 228$ 55a$ 66d$ eef$}
logop{1267c 00000$ 00010$ 00151$ 4086e 1059d 77777$ 3ba79$ 1467c}

UPDATE history


  • will use the htblp() function as the main htbl().


  • fixed htblp() replacement arguments to be valid during recursive processing.


  • Removed internal-only arguments and made them global variables.
  • To create an empty string, just specify /0/ as the value.
  • You can use the tab character \t to replace it with a space character.
  • you do not need to specify nil to empty the contents of a table; an empty string will result in nil.
  • \r will be replaced with \n.
  • (Result -1 tokens for these update.)
  • Added single character replacement option htblp().


  • Cut token costs (-12 tokens)
  • Tonorm() is now built-in.
  • The second return value of the final result is now nil.(be careful when doing add())
  • Document inserted.


  • code update saved token:
    • htbl 7 tokens
    • tonorm 9 tokens


  • run newlines without replace()

v0.1 (2020 08 26)

  • Miniaturization of the cord.
  • No replace "\n" in the recursive process.




May I publish some or all of your code, or derivatives, in https://github.com/sparr/pico8lib ?

Yes. Please use it!
It is frequently used in games that I develop.

I updated with less code.

  • code update saved token:
    • htbl 7 tokens
    • tonorm 9 tokens

I updated to HTBL() ver 0.4!!


  • Cut token costs (-12 tokens)
  • Tonorm() is now built-in. the second return value of the final result is now nil.(be careful when doing add())
  • Document inserted.

trying to use this...
in htbl(ht,c) is ht the string? and c... what is c?
I want to input a string and get back an associative array like:


?mytbl.y   --200

what is the syntax?

Thanks for trying! To create the associative array you described, use the following code:


The argument ht to htbl(ht,c) is a string, but there is no need to enter anything in c since this function processes recursively.


ah, the last one needs a semicolon as well. got it. pretty cool, but it looks like this function can do a lot more. A blog post spelling it all out would be of interest to someone like me... a lot of util carts I cant make heads or tails of without examples and plain english.


Ah, you're absolutely right.

This function can do a lot of things, but the explanations were not very appropriate! (I'm sorry if the English is hard to understand because I've been translating it a lot...)
I may have been too focused on creating the code and the cart.

I think I need to add some sample code for basic and advanced use.

Addendum: I have revised the post. I removed some unimportant statements and added sample code.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


yes! MUCH better. will be very useful!


I updated to HTBL() ver 0.5!!


  • Removed internal-only arguments and made them global variables.
  • This means that the second return value no longer has any effect.
  • To create an empty string, just specify /0/ as the value.
  • You can use the tab character \t to replace it with a space character.
  • You do not need to specify nil to empty the contents of a table; an empty string will result in nil.
  • \r will be replaced with \n.
  • (Result -1 tokens for these update.)
  • Added single character replacement option htblp().


  • fixed htblp() replacement arguments to be valid during recursive processing.

I updated to htbl() ver 0.5b!!


  • will use the htblp() function as the main htbl().

htbl() incorporates the replace() functionality of htblp(), but htbl() remains compatible with v0.5a.

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