TO LOAD THIS CART in immediate mode type:
load #cs |
Use the arrow keys to navigate between the 8-images stored. Press (O) to turn on and off the status.
- Santa Claus
- Rudolph
- Christmas Tree
- Jingle Bells
- Snowman
- Candy Canes
- Christmas Wreath (turned out nicely !)
- Gingerbread Man
Thought I would start a fresh tab for this new code. And there's quite a bit new about it.
While before you could guarantee a compression of 682-chars per picture, now it is based upon the cluster of pixels. So more black or white space means greater compression.
Also it no longer uses the Spritesheet even for temporary storage, it's all self-contained now.
Here is a slideshow using standard _init(), _update(), and _draw() to demonstrate it with the smallest picture being 438-chars and the largest being 592-chars.
And - I think this is as far as I can go in my coding with this particular method of picture compression. It was an interesting run, 2-weeks was it ? And I'm off to work on other things now.
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