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Cart #adelie-0 | 2019-02-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A metroidvania mod of Celeste Classic. :)



Wow! How long did this take to make?


@PicoLate The engine with map chunking and stuff took a day or two, then the map design took maybe a week of work spread over a month. :P


Awesome job.

I like it, but I can't get to the third flag (if you consider the start the first one).


@nonymousFog: Are you using the directional dashes? You can dash in 8 directions based on the arrows held upon pressing the dash key. :)


I beat it without collecting the second dash!

How do you get the last strawberry, the one behind the wall of spikes with no wall before it?

@scaramouche You have to get right next to the spikes, and then dash dash upwards over them. The start of the dash can hop over the spike hitbox entirely, as long as there's no wall behind them to stop you. :)

@Skulhhead1924 I loaded more of the map at once, added a camera, and chunked the map. Only the objects in the 4 chunks that are in view of the camera were updated.


LOL there's a tag saying "penguin"

You could remake old site. there is a mod that has most of the stuff from it.
Edit: Here's the site https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=33017


Challenge: tbh i dont have an idea for this
Challenge difficulty: lol im dumy
Review: With its expansive map and fun challenges, its no surprise i had fun playing adelie. every challenge felt hard, but fair. A simple game accomplished the hard task of being fun, and its a great mod.

I love it! I like how you made the screen follow the player. The level design is great too! This must be one of my favorite mods for the game! I give it a 9/10!

My favourite celeste mod!

7 berries
169 deaths

I liked the secret in the penguin cave.

yeah! that was cool


I beat gemskip mode :)

@Meep you are my personal enemy. You make the best yet most challenging mods I actually despise you. Keep up the good work (dont)

1st try


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