Voxajam 2019 is LIVE!! Al February long!!
Details are in the cart, along with some demos and helper functions of varying type/depth made by myself and @Eiyeron -- feel free to take a look and use any of them to help get you started! They should be organized so that you can just:
- copy an asset directory
- change the names of the name_i, name_u, and name_d functions to _init, _update60, and _draw, respectively
Here are the details again for convenience:
"welcome to voxajam 2019!
what: a voxatron jam
theme: "so much more
than 'voxatron'"
there are no official
..but why not make something
outside the default
'robotron' style?
(a neat effect, a toy, a tool
a tweetcart, a full game--
anything!)- when: all february 2019
- where: voxatron forums!
and itch.io/jam/voxajam
use '#voxajam' on twitter
press ❎ to view some demos
and examples!"
If you have questions or suggestions, please post here in the thread or hit me up on twitter ( @enargy)
(helping spread the word by RTing this tweet would be appreciated also -- https://twitter.com/Enargy/status/1086287474127720449 )
Oh yeah if you have any questions let me know -- there's also an easter egg (or two) hidden in the announcement cart if anyone cares to look :p

Hey, @enargy?
May I ask a question? You seem to be very good at programming Voxatron, and I haven't found any other resources on the Voxatron programming language.
Where did you learn to program Voxatron?

@Steven()#6 good question! (also, wow, it has been a minute since 2019, eh? :x)
So for this, all I did was use the manual to find any functions unique to Voxatron. But because the API is very similar to pico-8's, I was able to create these demos pretty quickly.
That strategy game demo is actually probably 90% identical to the pico-8 version. ... Pretty sure the rest of the demos in this cart were all unique.
Free to ask any questions or share anything you've made. Using code from this cart is cool, too.

-- it has been a minute since 2019, eh? :x)
-- So for this, all I did was use the manual to find any functions unique to Voxatron. But because the API is very similar to pico-8's, I was able to create these demos pretty quickly.
-- Free to ask any questions or share anything you've made. Using code from this cart is cool, too.
I will. I've been wanting to learn Voxatron, but I've been having trouble finding the correct resources (It doesn't seem to have all the tuts, Quora post, etc. that Pico has.) Your code is pretty stellar because it's some of the only code I've found for Voxatron.
I'll send something if I can get anything together!
Thank you very much.
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