According to this website, the PocketCHIP is going to be shipping with PICO-8. Zep, do you have any comments on this? Will PocketCHIP owners be getting updates?

I wonder how they'll distinguish between chip and pocketchip owners though as so far everything just points to pocketchip only...

That was fast!
The C.H.I.P. version will also be available to regular C.H.I.P. users as a stand-alone binary, but there's no exact eta yet.

yay! Can't wait to try it out :)
> That was fast
I had the article ready for the embargo lift with the info NTC gave me. some of it was pretty last minute!

If you purchase a PocketCHIP will you be able to downlaod the windows version of PICO-8?

> If you purchase a PocketCHIP will you be able to downlaod the windows version of PICO-8?
Came here to enquire about the same general thing (although I'd probably be using OS X). posted this: "This DIY gaming handheld comes with hundreds of free games built-in". We know that this is not exactly true, because splore needs internet to work. I think splore could have a option to download the games, because people will try to play in areas where there isn't internet available.

Saw now that when we load a game with splore, we can just return to the pico console and save the game locally.

Looks like the answer to my and REXCRISPY's question is in this thread:
Sayeth Zep, "The pCHIP version will be a separate product that doesn't come with multi-platform licenses."
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