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Cart #58669 | 2018-11-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Top comment is the update so comment frequently before 10 am the next day!

pset(66, 64, 0)
pset(64, 66, 0)
pset(65, 67, 0)
pset(66, 66, 0)

am I doing this correctly? more than one pixel per comment is okay, right?

Alright, here's mine:

t="--000000---077070-00077070-07700070007770777007707070000077700--0770770--0000000-"for i=0,8 do for j=0,8 do n=j+1+i*9 c=sub(t,n,n)if c!="-" then pset(32+j,32+i,c)end end end

Adventurer I drew planned for a future Pico-8 cart.

Adding to your code that would be:

Cart #58639 | 2018-11-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

You also might want to limit sizes of drawings and their animation space. Someone may decide that the remaining free 96x96 pixels you have in here is just big enough for their single graffiti entry or space to animate in. :)

kittenm4ster yeah that s not against any of the rules! more than one pixel per comment is okay!

Near 10:00 am on November 2nd I will be updating the cart with new one. This new cart will act the same way, where as you can comment your code and I will put it in the following day at 10:00 am. The commented code on this thread will be put into the code of the update so comment as much as you can!
The code will be added from the top comment to the bottom comment so get ready!

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