Novice coder, so sorry if I'm making a dumb mistake lol.
Wanted to make a platformer where the player can shoot and detonate bullets to create platforms that the player can then jump on. However, when that platform is created, using map, the player doesn't collide with it.
I'm using the Advanced Micro Platformer template from mhughson (, so I don't really understand where to even start to try to figure this out.
-- config -------------------------------- --sfx snd= { } --music tracks mus= { } --math -------------------------------- --point to box intersection. function intersects_point_box(px,py,x,y,w,h) if flr(px)>=flr(x) and flr(px)<flr(x+w) and flr(py)>=flr(y) and flr(py)<flr(y+h) then return true else return false end end --box to box intersection function intersects_box_box( x1,y1, w1,h1, x2,y2, w2,h2) local xd=x1-x2 local xs=w1*0.5+w2*0.5 if abs(xd)>=xs then return false end local yd=y1-y2 local ys=h1*0.5+h2*0.5 if abs(yd)>=ys then return false end return true end --check if pushing into side tile and resolve. --requires self.dx,self.x,self.y, and --assumes tile flag 0 == solid --assumes sprite size of 8x8 function collide_side(self) local offset=self.w/3 for i=-(self.w/3),(self.w/3),2 do --if self.dx>0 then if fget(mget((self.x+(offset))/8,(self.y+i)/8),0) then self.dx=0 self.x=(flr(((self.x+(offset))/8))*8)-(offset) return true end --elseif self.dx<0 then if fget(mget((self.x-(offset))/8,(self.y+i)/8),0) then self.dx=0 self.x=(flr((self.x-(offset))/8)*8)+8+(offset) return true end -- end end --didn't hit a solid tile. return false end --check if pushing into floor tile and resolve. --requires self.dx,self.x,self.y,self.grounded,self.airtime and --assumes tile flag 0 or 1 == solid function collide_floor(self) --only check for ground when falling. if self.dy<0 then return false end local landed=false --check for collision at multiple points along the bottom --of the sprite: left, center, and right. for i=-(self.w/3),(self.w/3),2 do local tile=mget((self.x+i)/8,(self.y+(self.h/2))/8) if fget(tile,0) or (fget(tile,1) and self.dy>=0) then self.dy=0 self.y=(flr((self.y+(self.h/2))/8)*8)-(self.h/2) self.grounded=true self.airtime=0 landed=true end end return landed end --check if pushing into roof tile and resolve. --requires self.dy,self.x,self.y, and --assumes tile flag 0 == solid function collide_roof(self) --check for collision at multiple points along the top --of the sprite: left, center, and right. for i=-(self.w/3),(self.w/3),2 do if fget(mget((self.x+i)/8,(self.y-(self.h/2))/8),0) then self.dy=0 self.y=flr((self.y-(self.h/2))/8)*8+8+(self.h/2) self.jump_hold_time=0 end end end --make 2d vector function m_vec(x,y) local v= { x=x, y=y, --get the length of the vector get_length=function(self) return sqrt(self.x^2+self.y^2) end, --get the normal of the vector get_norm=function(self) local l = self:get_length() return m_vec(self.x / l, self.y / l),l; end, } return v end --square root. function sqr(a) return a*a end --round to the nearest whole number. function round(a) return flr(a+0.5) end --utils -------------------------------- --print string with outline. function printo(str,startx, starty,col, col_bg) print(str,startx+1,starty,col_bg) print(str,startx-1,starty,col_bg) print(str,startx,starty+1,col_bg) print(str,startx,starty-1,col_bg) print(str,startx+1,starty-1,col_bg) print(str,startx-1,starty-1,col_bg) print(str,startx-1,starty+1,col_bg) print(str,startx+1,starty+1,col_bg) print(str,startx,starty,col) end --print string centered with --outline. function printc( str,x,y, col,col_bg, special_chars) local len=(#str*4)+(special_chars*3) local startx=x-(len/2) local starty=y-2 printo(str,startx,starty,col,col_bg) end --objects -------------------------------- --make the player function m_player(x,y) --todo: refactor with m_vec. local p= { x=x, y=y, dx=0, dy=0, w=8, h=8, max_dx=1,--max x speed max_dy=2,--max y speed jump_speed=-1.75,--jump veloclity acc=0.05,--acceleration dcc=0.8,--decceleration air_dcc=1,--air decceleration grav=0.15, --helper for more complex --button press tracking. --todo: generalize button index. jump_button= { update=function(self) --start with assumption --that not a new press. self.is_pressed=false if btn(2) then if not self.is_down then self.is_pressed=true end self.is_down=true self.ticks_down+=1 else self.is_down=false self.is_pressed=false self.ticks_down=0 end end, --state is_pressed=false,--pressed this frame is_down=false,--currently down ticks_down=0,--how long down }, jump_hold_time=0,--how long jump is held min_jump_press=5,--min time jump can be held max_jump_press=15,--max time jump can be held jump_btn_released=true,--can we jump again? grounded=false,--on ground airtime=0,--time since grounded --animation definitions. --use with set_anim() anims= { ["stand"]= { ticks=1,--how long is each frame shown. frames={1},--what frames are shown. }, ["walk"]= { ticks=5, frames={1,2,3,4,5}, }, ["jump"]= { ticks=1, frames={1}, }, ["slide"]= { ticks=1, frames={6}, }, }, curanim="walk",--currently playing animation curframe=1,--curent frame of animation. animtick=0,--ticks until next frame should show. flipx=false,--show sprite be flipped. --request new animation to play. set_anim=function(self,anim) if(anim==self.curanim)return--early out. local a=self.anims[anim] self.animtick=a.ticks--ticks count down. self.curanim=anim self.curframe=1 end, --call once per tick. update=function(self) --todo: kill enemies. --track button presses local bl=btn(0) --left local br=btn(1) --right --move left/right if bl==true then self.dx-=self.acc br=false--handle double press elseif br==true then self.dx+=self.acc else if self.grounded then self.dx*=self.dcc else self.dx*=self.air_dcc end end --limit walk speed self.dx=mid(-self.max_dx,self.dx,self.max_dx) --move in x self.x+=self.dx --hit walls collide_side(self) --jump buttons self.jump_button:update() --jump is complex. --we allow jump if: -- on ground -- recently on ground -- pressed btn right before landing --also, jump velocity is --not instant. it applies over --multiple frames. if self.jump_button.is_down then --is player on ground recently. --allow for jump right after --walking off ledge. local on_ground=(self.grounded or self.airtime<5) --was btn presses recently? --allow for pressing right before --hitting ground. local new_jump_btn=self.jump_button.ticks_down<10 --is player continuing a jump --or starting a new one? if self.jump_hold_time>0 or (on_ground and new_jump_btn) then if(self.jump_hold_time==0)sfx(snd.jump)--new jump snd self.jump_hold_time+=1 --keep applying jump velocity --until max jump time. if self.jump_hold_time<self.max_jump_press then self.dy=self.jump_speed--keep going up while held end end else self.jump_hold_time=0 end --move in y self.dy+=self.grav self.dy=mid(-self.max_dy,self.dy,self.max_dy) self.y+=self.dy --floor if not collide_floor(self) then self:set_anim("jump") self.grounded=false self.airtime+=1 end --roof collide_roof(self) --handle playing correct animation when --on the ground. if self.grounded then if br then if self.dx<0 then --pressing right but still moving left. self:set_anim("slide") else self:set_anim("walk") end elseif bl then if self.dx>0 then --pressing left but still moving right. self:set_anim("slide") else self:set_anim("walk") end else self:set_anim("stand") end end --flip if br then self.flipx=false elseif bl then self.flipx=true end --anim tick self.animtick-=1 if self.animtick<=0 then self.curframe+=1 local a=self.anims[self.curanim] self.animtick=a.ticks--reset timer if self.curframe>#a.frames then self.curframe=1--loop end end end, --draw the player draw=function(self) local a=self.anims[self.curanim] local frame=a.frames[self.curframe] spr(frame, self.x-(self.w/2), self.y-(self.h/2), self.w/8,self.h/8, self.flipx, false) end, } return p end --make the camera. function m_cam(target) local c= { tar=target,--target to follow. pos=m_vec(target.x,target.y), --how far from center of screen target must --be before camera starts following. --allows for movement in center without camera --constantly moving. pull_threshold=16, --min and max positions of camera --the edges of the level. pos_min=m_vec(64,64), pos_max=m_vec(320,64), shake_remaining=0, shake_force=0, update=function(self) self.shake_remaining=max(0,self.shake_remaining-1) --follow target outside of --pull range. if self:pull_max_x()<self.tar.x then self.pos.x+=min(self.tar.x-self:pull_max_x(),4) end if self:pull_min_x()>self.tar.x then self.pos.x+=min((self.tar.x-self:pull_min_x()),4) end if self:pull_max_y()<self.tar.y then self.pos.y+=min(self.tar.y-self:pull_max_y(),4) end if self:pull_min_y()>self.tar.y then self.pos.y+=min((self.tar.y-self:pull_min_y()),4) end --lock to edge if(self.pos.x<self.pos_min.x)self.pos.x=self.pos_min.x if(self.pos.x>self.pos_max.x)self.pos.x=self.pos_max.x if(self.pos.y<self.pos_min.y)self.pos.y=self.pos_min.y if(self.pos.y>self.pos_max.y)self.pos.y=self.pos_max.y end, cam_pos=function(self) --calculate camera shake. local shk=m_vec(0,0) if self.shake_remaining>0 then shk.x=rnd(self.shake_force)-(self.shake_force/2) shk.y=rnd(self.shake_force)-(self.shake_force/2) end return self.pos.x-64+shk.x,self.pos.y-64+shk.y end, pull_max_x=function(self) return self.pos.x+self.pull_threshold end, pull_min_x=function(self) return self.pos.x-self.pull_threshold end, pull_max_y=function(self) return self.pos.y+self.pull_threshold end, pull_min_y=function(self) return self.pos.y-self.pull_threshold end, shake=function(self,ticks,force) self.shake_remaining=ticks self.shake_force=force end } return c end function fire(direc) local b = { sp=16, x = p1.x - 4, y = p1.y - 16, dx = direc, dy = 0 } add (bullets, b) isdetonate = false end function detonate(x,y) local d = { x = x + 4, y = y + 4, t = 0, timer = 0, } add(det, d) detx = d.x dety = d.y for b in all (bullets) do del(bullets, b) end isdetonate = true; end function draw_bullets() if(p1.flipx == false) then direction = 1 end if(p1.flipx == true) then direction = -1 end for b in all (bullets) do spr(b.sp, b.x, b.y) end for d in all (det) do circ(d.x, d.y, d.timer/2, d.t) circ(d.x, d.y, d.timer/2 - 4, d.t) end end function draw_clouds() map(0,62,detx - 8,dety - 4,2,2) end function update_bullets() for b in all (bullets) do b.x += b.dx b.y += b.dy end if(btnp(4) and isdetonate) then fire(direction) end if(btnp(5) and isdetonate == false) then for b in all (bullets) do detonate(b.x, b.y) end end for d in all (det) do randcol = flr(rnd(2)) if(randcol == 0) then d.t = 14 end if(randcol == 1) then d.t = 7 end d.timer += 1 if (d.timer == 20) then del(det, d) end end end function delete_bullets() for b in all (bullets) do if(b.x > cam.pos.x + 64 or b.x < cam.pos.x - 64) then del(bullets, b) isdetonate = true; end end end --game flow -------------------------------- --reset the game to its initial --state. use this instead of --_init() function reset() ticks=0 p1=m_player(64,40) p1:set_anim("walk") cam=m_cam(p1) bullets = {} isdetonate = true det = {} randcol = 0 playerx = 0 playery = 0 direction = 1 detx = 500 dety = 500 end --p8 functions -------------------------------- function _init() reset() end function _update60() ticks+=1 p1:update() cam:update() --demo camera shake update_bullets() delete_bullets() end function _draw() cls(0) camera(cam:cam_pos()) map(0,0,0,0,128,128) p1:draw() draw_bullets() draw_clouds() -- debug -- camera(0,0) -- circ(cam.pos.x, cam.pos.y, 2,7) -- printc("adv. micro platformer",64,4,7,0,0) -- print(cam.pos.x) end |
While you make it appear that the platform you've created is in the same screen as the player, on the map it is still only at 0,62. The platformer code you used is checking the map sheet, not what is drawn to the screen, so no collisions occur.
Consider using mset to draw the cloud on appropriate position on the map, or adding collision detection for detonated sprites.
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