Old versions:
It's a spinning globe.
Brightened things up a bit!
Fixed a warping issue
Increased the horizontal resolution of the map
Added the vertical spherical distortion to go along with the horizontal
Made the globe spherical
Fixed the jittery issue

1.2 includes a (approximated) spherical distortion, it uses up a bit more CPU bit I think it looks better.

Much better, yush. I'd say you have successfully made a fully pseudo-3D planet on a minimal budget, congratulations. :o

This is probably a nit-pick, but I think the earth spins the other way. The sun rises in the east, sets in the west, and so forth. =)

How do I shoot?? ;-)
Just kidding. This is a lovely tech demo.

This is great! Is there a good explanation on the technique anywhere?

Thanks for the great demo! I was able to use it for rotating procedurally generated planets in my Heliopause game.
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