Old Version
Pilot your state-of-the-art RAH-66 Comanche helicopter over once-peaceful tropical shores. Take on an endless barrage of enemies and leave their wreckage littering the voxel landscape.
The engine and overall game is inspired by the Comanche series from NovaLogic.
--Voxel landscape engine (as seen in Tera Firma tech demo)
--Shaded 3D polygon enemies
--Seamless map
--Awful self-made music and sound effects
z: Fire Missiles
x: Fire Mini Gun
tab: Enable Mouse Control (left button fires gun)

Visually impressive.
Gameplay needs some work tho. The feedback when you press buttons is ambiguous to non-existent. It would be also good to start out in an area where there are no enemies so you can get the hang of how this works.
Right now the game starts. I get immediately shot. I keep mashing buttons but nothing seems to happen. I fly around for a few seconds and die.

Agree w/ @Krystman, the minigun doesn't seem that impressive from the inside :)
My feedback:
- Impressive tech (as usual, sigh...)
- I was expecting enemy helicopters, not aliens spaceships!
- The game deserves either an 3rd-person view or a cockpit (strip down that full screen front page!)
- You can claim a got deal of tokens using coma separated local variables (if you need it)

I think the nicest improvement would be visual feedback when you hit the enemies, everything else would be gravy.

--Added cockpit view
--Added more feedback when firing gun
--Added more feedback when hitting enemy
--HUD with missile count, mini map, and damage status
--Delay until copters start firing
--Removed acceleration button. I was always holding it down anyway
Thanks for the feedback Freds72 and Krystman!

Now we are talking!
Delay until copters start firing
Edit: Delay until copters alien spaceships start firing :)
Bug Report: I left the game idle for some time (1 minute?). When I came back, enemies were exploding left and right (for a total score of 3000000+!!)

--Added mouse control
I think I fixed the bug that Freds72 found--timer overflow. Let me know if you see it still or anything else.
--NOPE guess I didn't fix the bug. Happened to me after about 5 minutes of playing.

things that make this game nice:
-how graceful the enemies movements are
-how soft and non-annoying the sfx are
-how you can't crash into the ground
makes for a very relaxing and "peaceful" fighter sim

After killing the 3rd chopter, I enter in a glytch loop, where ennemies get instantly killed and explode without any action from me, increasin g the score like crazy, until the game freeze.

Reminds me of a simplified version of an old DOS game called Surface Tension. Nice look to it. Now it needs missions.

I love the way the rolling hills look, i actually have an urge to see the same environment in pico, but to be able to drive a bouncy ass four by four all over them. Anyway, this is great, all it's missing is an airwolf themetune. and also it has a tendency to wig out and just throw exploding enemies everywhere netting you a score in the 8 digit realm. apart from that it's brilliant. and again, those rolling hills look amazing. they'd be great to drive over.

looks very cool but the cockpit part can take up less space and still be immersive, would love to see a updated version with more variation on the ground like diffrent nature, cities and satues.

i got god mode and instantly exploded everything that spawned

in 2nd attempt, I really enjoy shoot out all the helicopter but after that no helicopter/new level show.. classroom76
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