V1.1.0 Trees!!!!
New to 1.1.0:
Horizontal snow
Clean up in the code here and there
Enjoy :)
An old school button masher game!
Needing a few tweaks here and there, although suggestions are kindly welcomed!
This game is part of my Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), and would be so grateful if you could spare 2 minutes to fill out a quick survey about the game to help me push my project further!
Thank you!
Mash X and Z to speed up going down the slope.
Tap the LEFT key to flip in the air.

No!! I deleted it by accident when I was trying to edit it!!

Too bad :[
My 2 cents:
- good take on the button-smashing-sport-game
- snow should scroll left to give a better sense of speed
- backdrop (mountain+clouds) is really good

The game looks pretty great, good take on button mashing too, and the music is nice and energetic.
Good job!
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