When two samurais meet under the sunset, all that matters is who draws his katana first, in the right moment.
A short game inspired by Samurai Kirby.
How to Play:
Wait for the "!" signal to attack. When the signal appears, push X
Do it on time and you'll score a hit. Do it before the signal or slower than your foe and you'll suffer a hit.
1P: X or Z to attack, UP/DOWN to select mode
2P: Q or W to attack, E/D to select mode
- Local 2 Players mode added
- Fault State added: player loses a hit point if he presses the attack button before the signal
- Tie State: is now possible that both players attack at the same frame. When this occur, no one loses life.
- Initial life and HP recovery: Player's life been reduced from 5HP to 3HP on single player mode. However, player will gain 1HP for each two battles won, for a maximum of 6HP
- Now running of 60FPS for getting faster inputs
- General bugfixing and code optimization (or at least tried)

Am I the only one who gets the exact same reaction time 9 times out of 10 ? 432ms btw, yep I'm slow.

I always seem to get 332, though I did manage 299 once. I'm guessing it's rounded to a multiple of ~33 owing to the PICO-8's timing limits.
Also if you spam the X button while you're waiting you can get 33 fairly reliably :-D.

You can cheat: keep pressed X from before and you can get up to 0ms response time.
I'd suggest you add a way to detect pressing X before time so you disqualify the hit!
Otherwise great little game :)

@kikendo that was bugging me as well, so I've just fixed the problem in the new version. Give it a try =)

@hierronacho great! Now all the cheaters above who got 33ms can try again and post real scores :P
With that said, I can't get anything lower than 233ms.

I'm afraid you can still cheat in the game...

...but only because it ships in source format. ;)
(glad you fixed it)
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