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ok so I think I get how people like pico 8 for its limitations. but will pico 8 ever support 4 players simultaneously?

this would be good for things like raspberry pi where 4 players can sit on a couch and play small 4 player games together.
what do you guys think?
I know older hardware only supported up to 2 players but I think this would be a good idea for the compactness of pico8.

Split 2 controls between 4 people.

Micro Machines did this on SNES I seem to remember.

thats wouldn't work but to be fair this is already implemented.

The game I made for Global Game Jam is a 4-player split-screen game. You just need 4 controllers. PICO-8 will support up to 8 players.

I thought you could only get 4 players. BTN() with no args returns a 32-bit value, holding 4 players' worth of buttons.

btn with no args only gives you players 0 and 1, actually. But you can call btn with two arguments - button number and player number - and the latter has a range of 0 though 7

Oh, I always assumed players 2 and 3 would be given in the fractional bits. I never tried though. :)

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