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I am trying to store some binary data as a string in lua, like so:

local data="ã.ç.G W.§.Ó.×..."

but after saving, all common ascii characters in this string get moved to lowercase:

local data="ã.ç.g w.§.Ó.×..." --(note: G and W are now g and w)

Is there anyway to prevent this?



Here's a discussion on base64, including code:


Overkill finds that base64 is plausible but doesn't improve the compressed char count over hex encoding.

There is no way to prevent the automatic lowercasing when loading from .p8. It's a feature for Pico-8 devs that use external editors, and a worthy one. P8's text encoding is proprietary to begin with, so staying within the printable char set is always going to be important.

See also today's release that changes the glyph encoding in .p8 files, and also adds a notification for the automatic lowercasing behavior.

That's too bad. Be nice if string literals were ignored or something:

local data = [[ã.ç.G W.§.Ó.×...]]

I agree! It would be great if text strings were ignored.

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