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Hi, I'm getting a weird issue where there's some not random but not right blue pixels in some of my sprites when they get rendered.

Here's the map where you can see the sprites correctly not having blue pixels

Here's the game when it's running with the weird blue pixels

As you can see I'm using color 14 as my transparent color, color 13 is used in the sprite and the blue color is color 12. Not sure if that has anything to do with it. The code I'm using for that is:

function _init() 
  palt(14, true)
  palt(0, false)

Any ideas as to why this might be happening or what I can do to prevent it?

it looks like value 0xdc (220) gets poked here and there in sprite memory (0 to 0x2000). something in your code?
(can also be some mset(x,y,220) with y>=32, ends up in shared map/sprite mem)

Wow. It was mset 220. I need to grok the memory part of pico8 a bit more. Thank you very much!

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