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I'm new to Pico-8 and this is my first snippet. I would appreciate any feedback, or ways of making this more efficient.

It's a snippet to draw a sprite in an area as a repeating pattern texture.

function drawpattern(idx, x0, y0, x1, y1)
	local sprx = 8 * (idx % 16)
	local spry = 8 * flr(idx/16)
	for y=y0,y1,8 do
		local endy = min(y1, y+8)
		local sampleh = endy-y
		for x=x0,x1,8 do
			local endx = min(x1, x+8)
			local samplew = endx-x
			sspr(sprx, spry, samplew, sampleh, x, y, samplew, sampleh)

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