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Cart #44809 | 2017-10-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Phew! It took a lot longer to get to work on it again than I'd liked, but here it is, the updated version of the prototype!

I added more tile colors, tried to get the blank tiles a bit pleasing to the eye, added more stars (like that's important), worked slightly on the sounds, and made drawing attach to the existing line when started on it.

The controls are, in case you missed the first version:

  • Z (button 1) to switch between drawing and navigating
  • X (button 2) to cancel current drawing
  • Arrows to move the cursor

Tell me what you think!

Version history

Cart #42873 | 2017-07-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

I love Polarium (GBA over DS) so nice work on this.

There should be an option to cancel the line.

And the line shouldn't reattach immediately after the last one. This makes it difficult to just move around the board as you're constantly drawing lines. You can't move without drawing a line except before you draw the first one.

Thanks! <3

For the next version, I'm considering not to clear the whole line when you're starting on a point that is in the previously drawn path. Should be a lot more fun.

Cancellation is a good idea. Might map this to the other "action" key since I'm using only one button so far. This would be an Undo more or less, basically resetting the path to the path as it was before a new drawing was initiated.

(Also, I need to do something about the sounds. These are nothing more than placeholders.)

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