Hi everyone!
I am building a small pong clone and I would like the game to pause for 2 or 3 seconds whenever a player is scoring.
I saw that there are out there timer class but, since it was not easy for me to implement that, I wanted to ask if there is a simpler way to achieve this result.

timer=0 is_happening=false SOME_LIMIT=60 -- 30 = 1 second with _update() running at 30FPS. function _update() timer+=1 if timer>=SOME_LIMIT and not is_happening then -- After two seconds, do something. do_something() is_happening=true timer=0 end end |

Is this the sort of thing you were looking for in your other thread too?

Not really (I would like to use this solution to give the players a few seconds of pause after scoring, before starting the game again) but...
It could clearly work even there!
Tomorrow I'll try to implement it and let you know :)
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