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Cart #38668 | 2017-03-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Final Project for the Computational Media 164, Professor Adam Smith, Winter 2017



Up and Down to navigate
Z to choose

Up and Down to move forward and backward
Left and Right to turn
Z to jump
X to shoot
S to throw grenade
TAB to switch guns
E to enter Warthog
--Z to accelerate
--X to accelerate

Geoff Smith
Hiu-Chun Lo
Noah Davidson
Jonix Gabato-Telmo
Nima Bazofti
Nikolai Chen

Code Attribution/Special Thanks:
hungrybutterfly (PICO 8 BBS) - Wolfenstein 3D https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=28423
Zep - his specially made raycast demo cart
Adam Smith - for being a cool dude (and our professor)


Superb! I had an issue however - I could see enemies through walls.

Maybe the Master Chief has X-Ray vision in this Version?

Very cool.

Very nice. Great Job fellas

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