Congratulations on your purchase of this HIGH-QUALITY, KILLERBLOB-BRAND ENTRY-LEVEL NUCLEAR REACTOR! With a little care and attention, this Reactor is GUARANTEED to fill your neighbourhood with ♥hope♥ and ♥love♥
In the course of ordinary operation, it is normal for the user to have to perform simple acts of maintenance on their Reactor. These include:
- sorting spent and unspent fuel into correct receptacles
- repositioning core probe to avoid harmful gamma rays
- inserting fuel rods into the reactor
- maintaining acceptable temperature margins
Be advised that if any of these tasks are completed imperfectly, then the core may enter a phase of CRITICAL INSTABILITY! If this happens, the correct emergency parameters must be input by the user before the core enters DEADLY MELTDOWN! Prolonged periods of instability may permanently affect the VDU on the Reactor Console. This kind of damage is not covered by your warranty. To ensure safe operation, please carefully read the instruction manual attached below.
Comprehensive Instruction Manual:
- TAB to activate/deactivate the Reactor!
- Z, X and arrow keys to control the Reactor!
Note: This game was made by Ed Sibley ( @thing_stuff) for TRASEVOL_DOG's tinyTVjam. It is inspired by WarioWare, as well as games-you-lost-the-manual-for like Royals and Starseed Pilgrim. It is intended for entertainment purposes only. It isn't really a nuclear reactor ♥

Very nice game! I really like the design of the tv. The snacks on top and stickers on the side are nice.
There's one game I couldn't really understand. Or maybe I didn't understand any of it.

Which game was it? I'm hearing this a lot. I think I may have over-designed my fast-moving 2-colour 110-pixel game.

It was this one:
Maybe I just had to avoid the stuff? Insert the rods by moving them into the hole? I think its the second one.
Edit: Replaying this it's very obvious that you have to move the rods into the hole. Don't know what I was thinking. 8/8 for this game.

Very complex game! I included it in my compilation video series of the Tiny TV Jam games, if you’d like to take a look :)

I like the theme of this one, the TV is super cool. And the screen corruption mechanic is genius.
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