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I created an implementation of a queue for the game I'm working on, and thought that it could be of use to someone else. And while I was at it, programmed a stack and double-ended queue implementations as well.

To make a queue, stack, or double-ended queue, call makequeue(), makestack(), or makedqueue() respectfully. These functions return the empty queue or stack and are ready to use.

For basic queues and stacks, any attempt to add a value to the table places it at the end of the table, no matter the key you assign to it. Doesn't matter if you use t[1]=val, t.key=val, or add(t,val), it all works the same. Use t.pop to get and remove the lead value; first inserted for queue, last inserted for stack. And t.peek lets you look at the next value without removing it. t[k] will allow you to look at the value at that position, but that's mostly there so foreach and count will work.

Double-ended queues work a bit differently. Adding a value will normally add to the end table as usual, but you can also add a value to the front by using t.push_front=val or t[0]=val. Access is handled with t.pop_front and t.pop_back, which pops from first-in and last-in respectfully, and use t.front and t.back to peek similarly.

Don't know if there's a more efficient way to code this, but this is what I've come up with.

   if k=="pop" and #t.tbl>0 then
   local pop=t.tbl[1]
   return pop
   elseif k=="peek" then
   return t.tbl[1]
   return t.tbl[k]
    return #t.tbl

function makequeue()
 local q={tbl={}}
 return q

  if k=="pop" and #t.tbl>0 then
   local pop=t.tbl[#t.tbl]
   return pop
  elseif k=="peek" then
   return t.tbl[#t.tbl]
   return t.tbl[#t.tbl-k+1]
  return #t.tbl

function makestack()
 local s={tbl={}}
 return s

  if k=="pop_front" and #t.tbl>0 then
   local pop=t.tbl[1]
   return pop
  elseif k=="pop_back" and #t.tbl>0 then
   local pop=t.tbl[#t.tbl]
   return pop
  elseif k=="back" then
   return t.tbl[#t.tbl]
  elseif k=="front" then
   return t.tbl[1]
   return t.tbl[k]
  if k=="push_front" or k==0 then
   local ntbl={v}
  return #t.tbl

function makedqueue()
 local dq={tbl={}}
 return dq

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