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Hey, uh, I just bought this game on the excellent Humble Indie Bundle... but with no key, and just a executable, how can I get free updates when they are released?

I mean, Humble Indie Bundle usually only hosts the downloads until the next bundle is released, and then they're gone.
Normally Humble Indie Bundle games are redeemable on Steam, which I love, but this game isn't and so I have no Steam key.
Since the game didn't ask for a user account or anything, like Minecraft does, how do I get updates?

Is the executable self-updating or something?

I'm not sure how the files are hosted - but all my humble bundle downloads still work from past bundles.

Keep your humble bundle email for your personal download page in a safe place. You should get any updates by using the download links in your email as far as I know.

Not sure if they email you when there is an update or if you have to check in once in a while to see if an update has been released.

Ah. I see that all my Humble Indie Bundle keys are fully online and usable still. My mistake!
Whenever they did a new bundle in the past, it seemed to me that the downloads went offline.

[Edit:] Grr, ninja'd.

Edit: Nevermind

I really like it when they send you a steam key later on to activate on steam and you don't have to worry about where you put the email. Not sure if that will happen here as they have their own 'shop' page here, but you never know.

Tihs question really needs an answer!!!!

It was answered. You will be able to download monthly updates from your humble bundle url. It like this: http://www.humblebundle.com/?key=

Look at this blog post is you have more questions: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=260
"The editor and engine: These will be updated regularly (at least once a month)."

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