Hi geeks !
I would like display in my game this message for some tests :
test : true |
but "test" is a boolean variable. I can display with a classical variable with :
print("x:"..pix.x,10,10,10) |
x: 22 |
but with a boolean variable no :
print("test:"..test,10,4,8) |
I have an error :
runtime error <eof> line 106: attempt to concatenate local 'test' (a boolean value) |
Thank in advance for your help :)
easiest way:
print("test:"..(test and 'true' or 'false'),10,4,8) |
Thanks for you, it work!
But I don't understand this logic, we can put a conditions in print ()?
How this instruction work it ?
you can put anything in print() as long as it evaluates to a printable value.
- (a and b) returns a if a is false or nil, b otherwise (whatever b is)
- (a or b) returns b if a is false or nil (whatever b is), a otherwise (whatever a is)
- operator and has precedence over operator or
so here's how the evaluation goes:
(true and '1' or '0') -> ((true and '1') or '0') -> '1' or '0' ->'1'
(false and '1' or '0') -> ((false and '1') or '0') -> false or '0' ->'0'
this syntax (a and b or c) is the lua version of the conditional ternary operator (3 operands).
that's very handy once you know it :)
more info here:http://www.lua.org/manual/5.0/manual.html (2.5.3 – Logical Operators)
and there:http://lua-users.org/wiki/TernaryOperator
Thank you very very much for your explanations !
Have you a game in dev ?
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