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From where you could select which cartridge to load. Useful when you're unsure where it is or what the name of the cart is (and frankly selecting from the menu would be faster than typing dir, then looking for cart, then typing load cartname, esp. if cartname is long).


Load could accept TAB as autocomplete.

Yeah, but what when you have no idea what to load? IMO multicart-like menu would be good idea for this.

There's a built-in cart browser (called 'splore') planned for 1.0 which will also allow browsing and downloading bbs carts. splore will be automatically launched on pico-8's that have no keyboard plugged in (e.g. if you run it on a handheld raspberry pi-based thing just to play carts).

Tab completion is also in the works as a shorter-term solution to typing long filenames. But we're stuck with messy cart directories for a while yet, sorry!

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