Hi there,
I can't find any information about config.txt
Which commands does it support ?
What is the format ? Lua ?
Should it be put in the root directory ?
Any help appreciated, and sorry if I missed the related article :p

Ok I just found it: in the default AppData\Roaming folder :)

config.txt locations for future googlers:
Windows: /Users/Yourname/AppData/Roaming/pico-8/config.txt
OSX: /Users/Yourname/Library/Application Support/pico-8/config.txt
Linux: ~/.lexaloffle/pico-8/config.txt

Just an added note, it looks like config.txt might not be created until the first time you quit pico-8. I was looking everywhere for it when i first booted up, but it didn't appear where it was documented to until I quit the app.
This was on OSX at least.

FYI (IIRC) Pico-8 always writes config.txt on exit. If you run Pico-8, edit the file, then exit Pico-8 (perhaps to try restarting with new config), it'll overwrite your changes. To change config, exit Pico-8 first, then edit the file, then start Pico-8.
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