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My program is 14524 characters so far (when saved), but when I copy and paste its own contents back into itself this count increases to 15298. It decreases again on save.

This is an increase of 774, which is also the number of newlines present in my code. Maybe windows is adding returns to each newline, causing the discrepancy? I'm experiencing this copying from Sublime Text into the pico-8 editor, and also selecting all on the editor, then copying and pasting over all contents.


Whoops, forgot to include the screens I took.



Right -- I need to strip the returns. Should be able to safely get that into 0.1.1, but hopefully token limiting will make it not such a big problem anyway :)

It's still not fixed or broke again in v0.1.3 (on Windows)? The \r counts as a separate token, so that's still an additional token per line.

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