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I'm just trying out PICO-8 on Linux (Ubuntu 64-bit) and it is lovely, but I noticed it uses 99% of my CPU even when idling at the command prompt. Perhaps it needs a vsync option?

EDIT: Hmm I just upgraded to Ubuntu 15.04 (I was on 14.10) and now it's not using all the CPU anymore. Maybe it was just a video driver issue and PICO-8 is actually using vsync already? So I guess this is not a bug. Although it does say 111 FPS, and I would expect 60 if it was using vsync.


This still needs to be improved (i.e. to reliably run at 60fps or even 30fps), but in 0.1.0 I changed the default value of frame_sleep_ms to 5.

This value determines how long pico-8 will sleep() after each frame, and so to preserve battery life you can set it to something like 20.

config.txt can be found:

Linux: ~/.lexaloffle/pico-8/config.txt
Windows: /Users/Yourname/AppData/Roaming/pico-8/config.txt
OSX: /Users/Yourname/Library/Application Support/pico-8/config.txt

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