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Well then! I'm having a bit of trouble with climbing ropes... :(

I have a player set up with a player modifier which is supposed to change the player's speed to .300, it's gravity to 0, and it's movement to xz from xy. Now that all works out fine when the modifier is active, but it won't activate how I'd prefer...

I have the modifier set to activate(And reset on activating) when "Some Object_ID (ID) Distance < 1.000".
This, however, doesn't work whether I change the "<" to ">" or the distance I give it. Unless I change the parameters from "Some" to "All" or "None" it simply doesn't seem to work.

Many thanks for any and all help! :D

P.S. Water looks cooler then any game I've seen to have water! ;)

here is your rope system, as you can see, the problem is that you were using obj_ID instead of def_ID, the diference is: object_id uses the id of the object in the room (the one that shows up when you place it) and it is that idduring the whole cartridge, interacting only with that item even if you use it on other places and def_id is the id of the item itselft which is always the same, that one is the one you should use.

great idea with the ropes, looking foward to what you're going to do with it.

Thanks A bunch! Platforming perhaps... ;)


This is awkward... I went and used def_ID in place of obj_ID and it still doesn't work... I'll continue to fiddle with the settings to see if I can, in any way, make it work.

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