First of all: hello everyone!
Long time lurker and follower of Voxatron here, finally caved in and made an account just so I could pester you all with a technical question. :p
It might have been answered elsewhere, but nothing came up when I searched. How does the renderer manages to "highlight" the edges of the voxels? Is that the edge drawn on top of the voxel itself with a tinted color? Or something trickier?
I am really fascinated by the way Voxatron displays its world, hence why I'm poking at the info I can find ^^

Actually ur supposed to BUY Voxatron. Unless ur using Mozilla Firefox which allows u to play on the browser.

AAnd there's this thing called Humble Mozilla Bundle which i tried and it totally didnt work unless ur ON Firefox.

Lost track of this thanks to work. Thanks for the replies, but Daximus, I am not sure what you are hinting at? I have indeed bought Voxatron, during the Humble Voxatron Debut. ^^;

Hello I also liked the effect so much and what I found is that it's a line drawn on the top face of voxels that don't have neighbours at top, front and up front of them.
To implement something similar there are many ways and I don't know how exactly voxatron does that but the way I got around was to use a uv map and a texture or uv map with a shader to highlight the edge when needed

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