Hello lexaloffle,
I'm playing the c't edition of the game, but as far as I can see, the rooms in this editon doesn't match the rooms on the chocolate castle solutions page. Could you add the c't editon rooms to this page? Or could you at least publish a mapping between the room numbers.
Thanks in advance.

Hi Herbivore
I put a set of C't solutions up here: @
For anyone wondering.. the C't edition is a collection of 40 puzzles which went on the cover-DVD of C't Magazine in Germany. It has a mixture of puzzles from the regular game, puzzles that can be found on the bbs, and some unreleased ones which I'll post sometime.

Hello lexaloffle,
thank you very much!
Are the given solutions minimal regarding the number of moves?
[EDIT]I have seen, that this is not always the case. Are you interested in solutions with less moves? If yes, where should I put the soultions?[/EDIT]
> Room 39 COMING SOON!
Here is my solution for room 39, but I don't know, whether it is minimal :
BTW: There are two minor changes to improve the lang_de.txt:
"Gelöst in %d zügen", ==> "Gelöst in %d Zügen",
Capital Z, because "Zügen" is a noun.
"ANWEISUNG" is an inaccurate translation of "INSTRUCTIONS" in this context, "ANLEITUNG" is the appropriate translation.
Unfortunately there is no translation of the word 'of' displayed beween the move numbers when using the undo and redo buttons. If you add the word to the laguage files in a future version of the game, the translation should be 'von'.
I've enjoyed the game! Thank you for providing the c't edition.

Yes, please send me any improved solutions! I forgot to mention that many of the ones on that page are unoptimised. You can either post them here or email them to me at joseph [at] lexaloffle [dot] com. I'm glad you posted a solution to 39 -- I have to admit that I actually misplaced mine and couldn't figure it out again o_o
Thanks for the translation advice too -- I'll include those changes in the regular version of CC which will soon have language options.

Hello lexaloffle,
> You can [...] post them here
here you are:

I played the C't edition some years ago and now own the Mac version as part of the Humble Bundle. Do you think there's an easy way to get the C't extra levels into the Mac version?
Thanks in advance!
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