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Hey there everyone!
I've been testing the binary exporters today and, first of all, love having this feature, but I have a few questions on how to "polish" the user experience on those exported games.

First, I struggled with not having an exit option on the menu, but figured adding a button with send_message(2, {event="shutdown"}) does de trick.

Now there's a few other things I'd like to know:

  • Is there an in-system function to toggle fullscreen/windowed mode other than using the alt+enter shortcut?
  • Is there a way to disable the alt+left, alt+right shortcuts, or the topbar in general? I'd like for the player to stay in the game workspace and not access the Picotron system on the exported binary.
  • Saving/loading data with store / fetch doesn't seem to be working, at least on windows. Is there a way to enable this, or maybe another way to persist data?

Thanks in advance



Quick update!

  • Store works in binary exports if I save data to the appdata folder!
  • Fullscreen/windowed can be toggled by changing the "fullscreen" value in appdata/system/settings.pod

Now all I need is a way to disable changing workspaces <3

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