My first Pico-8 project! Heavily inspired by the game Switch 'N' Shoot by Matt Glanville
This is my first finished project after watching the Pico-8 dev tutorial videos by SpaceCat on Youtube
v1.2 Fixed issue where score would overflow after 32767 points
v1.1 Fixed start menu and Game Over music not looping

Gold star. This was easy to grasp, but even knowing what to do I kept steering into shots. I thought it was a triumph to get to level 2, although always with 1 heart left. Would it be reasonable to restore 1 heart on level up, since there's no heart pickup, only the shield?
Then after a few runs like that, I got into the zone and flew perfectly for two and half zones, reaching a 10× multiplier...

...except fumbling around for the screenshot key to record that moment was my undoing.

I'll be fascinated to see what scores more skilled players can run up. Does the score counter go past 32767?

@Cowirrie Thank you for the kind words! To answer the score question, not anymore lol! I had only run into the score overflow once in testing and didn't think to google for an explanation until you mentioning the number jogged my memory, but I've fixed the issue and now it should display up to 99990 with no issues!
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