My demake of the game One Circle on Pico-8.
Buy the original game for full levels!
One Circle is a minimalist puzzle game about putting balls of the same color together. Find the right moves to solve the proposed challenges, and challenge your mind more and more.

On mobile, you can tap on two circles to combine instead of swiping, thanks to @Verb's idea :)

You could get around this by using player taps along with swipes.
If the player taps one circle and then a second, if it's a valid move then it goes through. Otherwise, the second circle becomes the first for the next tapped circle.
Works great on my phone! :D

I haven't played the original yet, but this was a delightful demake.
Very satisfying animations and cool puzzles.

Very well presented, and the difficulty progression is smooth. Later puzzles are pretty tricky.
I wish it was playable with a gamepad. With mouse control it’s impossible to play on mobile or with a Raspberry Pi with game controllers attached to the TV.

yays yippe woohoo i dont have to lose my sanity over this anymore

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