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My demake of the game One Circle on Pico-8.

Buy the original game for full levels!

One Circle is a minimalist puzzle game about putting balls of the same color together. Find the right moves to solve the proposed challenges, and challenge your mind more and more.

Cart #one_circle-12 | 2025-03-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Just discovered that you can't play it on mobile, because the page will refresh when you swipe down :/

It seems to be a problem with Pico-8's mobile UI...


On mobile, you can tap on two circles to combine instead of swiping, thanks to @Verb's idea :)


You could get around this by using player taps along with swipes.
If the player taps one circle and then a second, if it's a valid move then it goes through. Otherwise, the second circle becomes the first for the next tapped circle.

Works great on my phone! :D


@Verb Good idea, implemented :D

I haven't played the original yet, but this was a delightful demake.

Very satisfying animations and cool puzzles.

Very well presented, and the difficulty progression is smooth. Later puzzles are pretty tricky.

I wish it was playable with a gamepad. With mouse control it’s impossible to play on mobile or with a Raspberry Pi with game controllers attached to the TV.


@dredds Maybe I will add controller mode one day ;)

nevermind why are there so many levels 63 like :sob:


yays yippe woohoo i dont have to lose my sanity over this anymore

The acronym for this game is OCD, just realized :O

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