5-level color drawing using bitmask.
color-0x00: 0b0
color-0x01: 0b1, 0b010, 0b100, 0b1000
color-0xfc: 0b11, 0b101, 0b110, 0b1100, 0b1001, 0b1010, 0b1100
color-0x0c: 0b111, 0b1110, 0b1101
color-0x07: 0b1111
(294 chars)
n,q=rnd,circfill s=n()::∧::cls()?'\^!5f11¹¹😐¹😐😐ᶜ¹😐😐ᶜ😐ᶜᶜ⁷' w,d,l,f,g,h=0x0fff,0,0xf0,q,q,circ while w do for j=0,11 do for i=0,15 do srand(s+j<<>t()\3)x=n()*128o=(t()+i)*0.1875r=24*n()i=1<<(i%4)poke(0x5f5e,w|i)f(x+sin(o)*r,n()*128+cos(o)*r,r,w>><8|i) end end w,d,l=d,l f,g,h=g,h end flip()goto ∧ |
But how tf people come up with such ideas is beyond me...
Looking pretty cool! Clever usage of bitmaks, this made for lovely rosaces.
I am in love with this!!! How did you figure out the bit masks, I am so confused by the little faces and symbols in the code. I do not understand how you got the color
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