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Cart #monsterbash-0 | 2025-01-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

## Monster Bash

Monster Bash is a card game made for a 1-week long game jam that took place the 1st to the 8th of November 2024.
The theme was "It's Alive".

Game made by Mike Purdy (code), Jack Lawless (art), and Brandon Aguilar (music)

Create monsters by joining different monster parts (head + body + legs).

Each turn you either play a card or skip that phase.
Then you must discard a card.

This was one of the first times I made a game with other people, and I think they really helped 'up' the quality of the game.
The art and the music are my favorite parts about the game, both of which I did not make.

Like most jam entries, this game has its limitations and is fairly janky.

The opponent just picks a random card and tries to play it in a random slot.
If that action is invalid, then it skips their turn.

I think this game 'has some legs' if some care and polish was given to it.
A simple CPU that behaves better, and some more clear messaging on the UI would take it fairly far.


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