Hello there! :p
My name is That One Entertainer, also known as T_O_E.
One day I got bored, browsed the internet and found this cool website, so I though why not give it a try?
My goal is to learn about programming and make my own simple games in the process. I started with scratch and even though I'm also currently a studying Java, I want to try something else entirely. That's when I found this website, played other peoples games and got inspired to try and create something of my own. Whether I'll stay or leave I'm not too sure about, but hopefully I'll learn something in the process, so we'll see.
I'm also keen to try and create my own music, pixel art and other things here, as those are also my interests I'd like to get better at.
Thank you for reading this introductory post :p

Welcome! You came to the right place. Have a wonderful time learning game dev skills!
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