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Cart #prt-0 | 2024-11-05 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is a tool that lets you remotely control Picotron from the host and vice-versa.

You can run commands in Picotron by running prt <COMMAND> from the host

This is useful when working with an external editor. You can load and run the updated source code from the external editor, and build/extract the cartridge.

You can also run host commands from inside of Picotron with the host command (included in the cart at /exports/appdata/system/util/host.lua). You can even use pipelines!

Full usage and installation instructions are included in the repo: https://github.com/Rayquaza01/picotron-remote-terminal

There is an issue I know about where if the cart is running for a while, it will start dropping commands seemingly at random. Not sure exactly what causes this, but restarting the cart seems to fix it.


Why not make this so you can connect to a virtual machine of some sorts?

@Endoxidev What do you mean by connect to a vm? I believe you can run prt-server inside a vm or container. As long as the port's accessible it should work.

For visual studio code a more detailed installation tutorial would be welcome.
edit:Sorry for my ignorance.
what is NPM?
Where do you enter the installation commands?
"npm install -g picotron-remote-terminal"
in the windows console?
on a virtual server software? if so which one?

@heliuse What part of the installation instructions do you think need more detail?

I forgot to publish it to npm before, but I've fixed that just now. You can install prt-server with npm install -g picotron-remote-terminal now.


npm the package manager for Node.js. The server part of picotron remote terminal is written in JavaScript and needs to be run with Node.

You can install node and npm here: https://nodejs.org/en/download

Once node and npm are installed, you should be able to run the picotron remote terminal installation commands from the windows console.

I guess I should probably mention that the server part requires node in the readme lol

Thanks, but this doesn't explain how to configure vsc, nor how to use it precisely.
A precise step-by-step documentation is missing.
Your utility is intended for experts, too bad because picotron would be the inverse.

@heliuse Sorry, I guess I made it more involved that I realized.

This is the second time you've mentioned VS Code, and I'm not entirely sure what you mean? PRT is used on the command line. It doesn't have any specific way to be used with vscode.

There are three parts to prt. The server (prt-server), the script to send commands (prt), and the picotron cart. You launch prt-server, then launch the cart in picotron, then issue commands with prt on the host.

In my personal opinion, prt is more of a novelty than a useful utility. It works, but sometimes it can be finicky and it doesn't work if a fullscreen cart is open. Honestly, I haven't used prt at all since I made my extload script.


I will look at your "extload script"
thanks :)

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