A quick port of my pico-8 variable inspector, I find useful for debugging.
It has a few more colours for readability, and can display userdata.
To use, hit Esc to break out of your program and enter:
dbg(v) |
Where v
is the value to inspect.
You can drill into values by clicking the "+" (or collapse them again by clicking "-").
Mouse wheel to scroll up and down.
Press Esc when done.
-- debug inspector -- lines to display and scroll offset local dbg_lines,dbg_s={},0,false -- add item to display function dadd(n,v,i,p) -- insertion sort in name order while p>1 and dbg_lines[p-1].i==i and type(dbg_lines[p-1].n)==type(n) and dbg_lines[p-1].n>n do p-=1 end add(dbg_lines,{n=n,v=v,x=(type(v)=="table" or type(v)=="userdata") and "+" or " ",i=i},p) end -- expand/collapse item function dexp(l,p) if l.x=="+" then -- add item properties to expand if type(l.v)=="userdata" then if l.v:height() and l.v:height()>1 then for i=0,l.v:height()-1 do p+=1 dadd(i,l.v:row(i),l.i.." ",p) end elseif l.v:width() then for i=0,l.v:width()-1 do p+=1 dadd(i,l.v[i],l.i.." ",p) end end else for n,v in pairs(l.v) do p+=1 dadd(n,v,l.i.." ",p) end end l.x="-" elseif l.x=="-" then -- delete nested lines to collapse while p<#dbg_lines and #dbg_lines[p+1].i>#dbg_lines[p].i do deli(dbg_lines,p+1) end l.x="+" end end -- handle input function dinp() -- get mouse state local x,y,b,_,w=mouse() -- handle mouse click local click=b==1 if click and not dbg_click then local i=(y-14)\9+1 local p=dbg_s+i local l=dbg_lines[p] if l and(x-220)\5==#l.i then dexp(l,p) end end -- mouse wheel scrolls dbg_s=max(min(dbg_s-w*4,#dbg_lines-27),0) dbg_click=click end function dtostr(v,nopreview) if type(v)=="userdata" then local w,h,t,d=v:attribs() local r=t if h==1 then r..="["..w.."]" if w<=16 and not nopreview then if t=="f64" then r..=" ("..string.format("%.2f",v[0]) else r..=" ("..v[0] end for i=1,w-1 do if t=="f64" then r..=","..string.format("%.2f",v[i]) else r..=","..v[0] end end r..=")" end else r..="["..w.."x"..h.."]" end return r elseif type(v)=="table" then if #v>0 then local r="["..#v.."]" if #v<=16 and not nopreview then r..=" ("..dtostr(v[1], true) for i=2,#v do r..=","..dtostr(v[i], true) end r..=")" end return r else return "{}" end else return tostr(v) end end -- draw UI function dui() while true do rectfill(220,10,470,260,1) for i=1,27 do local l=dbg_lines[i+dbg_s] if l then local x,y=220,(i-1)*9+14 x+=#l.i*5 local lx=x print(l.x,x,y,10) x+=5 print(l.n,x,y,12) x=max(x+#tostr(l.n)*5,lx+25) print(sub(dtostr(l.v),1,(470-x)\5),x,y,7) end end dinp() flip() end end function dbg(v,n) dadd(n or "value",v,"",#dbg_lines+1) cursor() pal() clip() dui() end |
would be great to integrate this with yotta (https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=140833) for easier installation.
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