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So, I just finished a brain f*** port in picotron, But I thought it would be cool to:

A: have a P-8 port.
B: get recognition by posting on both forums.

Note that for now, I just need like, a copy that fits the limitations of P-8

And eventually poth ports will have these https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?pid=154970#p features, but for noow, Can i please have some help?

a-k Normal stuff.
Delete lives up to its name.
R runs the program.

However: a few new features:

*This will be changed later.

"." Only prints numbers,
"," Uses PICO-8 Stile input,
There are only 8 memory cells.

{ and } (M&N respectively) work like [ And ], but only when the cell is != 0

Here's My Masterpiece:

Cart #taropakaye-0 | 2024-10-03 | Embed ▽ | No License

Note: Sorry if any of this wasrude. (I'm new here!)

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