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This is a Pico8 demake of one of my original games.


This is a programming puzzle game where you use simple commands to reach the goal in each stage.
And as a programming puzzle game, it at least expects you understand the core concepts of programming, like execution order, variables, loops, etc.

This game does feature save data.
It saves automatically upon beating a level, or unlocking a new area.

Cart #reprogram_v1_04-0 | 2024-09-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


  • Arrows to move
  • Z to Jump
  • Click with the mouse to examine grid coordinates
  • Use the keyboard to type commands in the code editor.
  • Enter to open pause menu

This game has a OST with enhanced music that can be found > here <.


Nice take in the programming genre.

Game code window could be more practical :
the Enter key is disabled so you use down instead.
you can't click in code to place the cursor.
the cursor is locked at the end of the line, so you can't edit an X parameter without deleting the Y 1st.
Reading the documentation from the code window is a pain : you have to exit the code, pause, find the entry you're looking for and remember it, close the documentation from pause, and finally reenter the code window with the mouse.
Tried to have the do open in another window, but when I started a new game as a documentation window, the entries I was interested in where not unlocked yet...
Tried an alternate way : keeping pause pressed. This works somewhat : you get to open the doc and navigate in it, exit with another long pause to access the pause menu, but all the button presses end up as text in the code window...
Ideally, I'd like a little tooltip popup window with the doc of the white authorized command the mouse is currently over.

I'm ashamed to say I spent a whole minute on level 15. I though it was failing because of read outside of range, when the problem was I was using goto instead of jump...
I may have said it hundreds of times, but I seem to not have learned to read the error messages.

I'm super stuck on level 25. I feel like there's no possible way to do it with only 9 lines, I just need one more. Here's what I currently have:

Ideally, there would be a line right in between 7 and 8 that says "jump 4", and then change line 7 to branch to erase when the tile read is a spike. Maybe the first 4 lines could be optimized somehow? I don't know.

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