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1: Cover Changes



The Tree Is 1 Block Lower
And The Ground Is Not Fully
The Same As The Latest Version

2: Prototype

There's A Prototype Listed
As jelpi-0
Play It Here

Cart #jelpi-0 | 2020-02-25 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

First The Ground Is Not The
Same Again And The Tree Is Missing
And The Pink Block Is At A Old Position
And The Flower Is Missing And Jelpi Is At
A Old Position


In The Game's Code There's No level=1 Var
Yet And The 2nd Play Character Is This Instead

And There's No Scrolling Yet And There's No
Way To Beat The Level As A Placeholder
It's A :Goal: Sign
Seen Here

Unused Audio
Unused Version Of The Death Tune
It's Longer
Also There's Unused Level Chunks
Restored Here

Unused But There's A Big Jelpi Title
Seen Here


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